Monday, March 24, 2008

Where did Werewolves originate?

During the 15th and 17th centuries, Werewolves came about in wooded towns of Europe. The townspeople fear of wolves coming out was more than imagined. Bones and body parts would be found in the mornings of families’ fields. No one knew what it exactly was: “The first recorded Werewolf sighting took place around the countryside of German town Cologne and Bedburg 1591”(Sk. Nur-Ul-Alam). When the town’s people tried to kill the Werewolf it did nothing. The Werewolf turned out to be a man who lived in the village. He was tried for murder and put on a torture wheel. The people of the town said the killers shadow resembled that of a wolf, so anyone who had a shadow like his were dubbed Werewolves.

Sk. Nur-Ul-Alam (2006). “Origin of the Werewolve Legend.” Werewolves: the myths and the truths. 1-5 Retrieved March 24, 2008, from

Gina Cale

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