Monday, April 14, 2008

Lycanthropes (Ly - can - thrope)

Lycanthropy is a type of disease that affects werewolves (as to why they have the powers they do). A full moon really has nothing to do with this, either. Once transformed, because of the disease, the werewolf can no longer speak english. They also have the power to stop the transformation- if not to completely stop then they can hold it off for a few minutes. If a werewolf is killed, they will return to their normal human self. If attacked, you can very well catch the disease which will turn you into a werewolf also. Depending on how bad the wound is, you can get it treated, but the treatment can be expensive.

"Lycanthropy". Creatures of Chaos, 1-10. Retrieved April 14, 2008, from

Here is live footage on how to kill these creatures if you happen to ever come across one:

Gina Cale

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