Friday, April 18, 2008
This trailer is about the movie Underworld. It is about a war between lichens(werewolves) and vampires. This trailer shows images of werewolves and how the act toward and attack people. Even though this movie does not use actual werewolves, the werewolves in the movie are simulated to look like real werewolves. After watching, you can get a better view on werewolves.
Elizabeth Hess
In conclusion
We have learned so far that werewolves are pretty bad and they are not to be messed with. As far as killing them goes, you'd be hard pressed to even make one flinch. There are a few ways that you can at least try though. Silver bullets, diseases that destroy the heart and/or brain and completely removing the heart or brain. This can be quite difficult because they are shape shifters that can easily take on human form at will. Werewolves can be scary to most, but irrelevant to others. In Gina's opinion she thinks werewolves aren't real and made up by people who are bored with their lives. She also thinks it's impossible for a human to turn into a super wolf in minutes. The reason why werewolves stay with us through generations is because people (some) are fascinated by them. They are popular during halloween, musicians, and other things and objects. I also think we are drawn to them because they are so much different than anything ever seen. It's two creatures in one. There really is nothing like a werewolf.
Tips to Prepare for a Werewolf Attack
First, you must make sure that the beast that is attacking you is indeed a werewolf. Make sure that the weapon you have chosen can also kill a non-werewolf if for some reason you have mistaken the creature or it has transformed back into its original state. Werewolves are said to stalk in the night and rely on instinct. With this, setting up traps if you believe there might be a werewolf may be very effective. Just be aware though that if you have a four-legged wolf attacking you then its fangs are the most dangerous part, and if it is a b-ped wolf, its claws can be the most dangerous so make sure to prepare your trap to disable those features.
"How to Kill a Werewolf." Retrieved April 18, 2008 from
Chelsea Kelley
"How to Kill a Werewolf." Retrieved April 18, 2008 from
Chelsea Kelley
Monday, April 14, 2008
Lycanthropes (Ly - can - thrope)
Lycanthropy is a type of disease that affects werewolves (as to why they have the powers they do). A full moon really has nothing to do with this, either. Once transformed, because of the disease, the werewolf can no longer speak english. They also have the power to stop the transformation- if not to completely stop then they can hold it off for a few minutes. If a werewolf is killed, they will return to their normal human self. If attacked, you can very well catch the disease which will turn you into a werewolf also. Depending on how bad the wound is, you can get it treated, but the treatment can be expensive.
"Lycanthropy". Creatures of Chaos, 1-10. Retrieved April 14, 2008, from
Here is live footage on how to kill these creatures if you happen to ever come across one:
Gina Cale
"Lycanthropy". Creatures of Chaos, 1-10. Retrieved April 14, 2008, from
Here is live footage on how to kill these creatures if you happen to ever come across one:
Gina Cale
Friday, April 11, 2008
Bewitched Humans
A man named Charles Vatchet encountered an animal that appeared to be a werewolf near a French graveyard. All animals like this were thought to be humans who had been bewitched. This animal jumped on Charles and he cut it with his knife. Afterwards, the animal turned into a human. The human told Charles not to tell anyone about him for a whole year and a day because this would supposedly keep the human from turning back into the animal or werewolf. When animals like this were cut and bleeding, the "charm" on them would break.
Elizabeth Hess
Baker, Ronald L. 1982. "Werewolf Encounter in Old Vicennes". Hoosier Folk Legends. Retrieved on April 11, 2008 from
More about killling(RB)
So upon further research werewolves are also highly allergic to wolfsbane. This will not kill it, it will just disables it temporarily. Also, if you are hunting one and you manage to corner it, it will give up. Unless it was a stubborn person before becoming a werewolf, then it will unleash a frenzied attack. Due to their instinctive behavior, it should be easy to create traps that will work on the werewolf due to the lack of critical thinking. Finally if you are able to defeat one, make sure to cut off it's head and burn it or it will come back as a vampire. (Anti Werewolf Methods)
I personally wouldn't fight a werewolf due to them being really fast and really strong. Also, they have the ability to shapeshift so you might be sitting next to one right now and not even know it.
"Anti-Werewolf Methods." 11 Apr 2008.
I personally wouldn't fight a werewolf due to them being really fast and really strong. Also, they have the ability to shapeshift so you might be sitting next to one right now and not even know it.
"Anti-Werewolf Methods." 11 Apr 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Skeptics opinions about werewolf eating habits
Last blog, I stated that some people do not believe that werewolves eat flesh and purposely attack humans. Many report that werewolves do not attack humans and choose to eat them. Instead, just like any other animal, they attack other smaller animals and eat them. If they are attacked or feel threatened by a human, they will defend themselves. While this still may seem harsh, you must also note that we as humans do the same thing. If we are attacked by a bear we will fight back, we eat the flesh of other animals, well at least non-vegetarians do, and we hunt. These skeptics believe in werewolves but not as cannibals, but as humans who have wolf-like characteristics that roam in the night and do not attack unless threatened.
“Werewolf Misconceptions.” (2007). Retrieved April 9, 2008 from
Chelsea Kelley
“Werewolf Misconceptions.” (2007). Retrieved April 9, 2008 from
Chelsea Kelley
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The two Sides of a Werewolf
If you are to come upon a werewolf in its human state, you might notice some abnormal behaviors. They can't tame themselves. These "humans" still have all the abilities that a werewolves has. I would image they don't look very normal or blend in well. When they are in werewolf mode they are gigantic. "These werewolves are normally two to three times the human size" (Zerotime). There fangs and claws are most dangerous. It's also said that werewolves heal very quickly; they have "regenerative abilities". Long story short, I personally would not want to come near a werewolf human or not.
"Werewolf Attributes". Zerotime, 1-5. Retrieved April 7, 2008, from
Gina Cale
"Werewolf Attributes". Zerotime, 1-5. Retrieved April 7, 2008, from
Gina Cale
Friday, April 4, 2008
Encounter with a Shewolf
There is a story from 1588 of a nobleman who had encountered a female werewolf. The story says the the nobleman saw a hunter he was acquainted with and asked him to report back with details of his hunt. The hunter went out and had a struggle with a wolf and cut off one of it's paws. When the hunter came back, he showed the nobleman the paw and they were appalled to find that it was, instead of a paw, a feminine hand with a ring on its finger. The nobleman thought the ring lloked like the one his wife has so he went to find her. She was in the kitchen covering her hand with a bandage because her hand had been cut off! She told her husband that she indeed was the wolf and she was burned to the stake a few days later.
Elizabeth Hess
Dawn, April. "Shewolf". (1998-2007). Retrieved April 4, 2008 from
Elizabeth Hess
Dawn, April. "Shewolf". (1998-2007). Retrieved April 4, 2008 from
To kill a werewolf(RB)
Today I'd like to talk further about why killing a werewolf is so troublesome. Werewolves have regenerative powers kind of like wolverine from Marvel(Ways...). This means that even if you have a machine gun full of bullets you are still out of luck unless you happen to have silver bullets. Also, unlike vampires, werewolves aren't affected by crucifixes and holy water. Also, just the sight of one of these is enough to put you into shock and terrify you.
Ways to Destroy a Werewolf. Retrieved April 4, 2008, Web site:
What Do Werewolves Eat?
Many people believe that werewolves eat humans. One example of a supposed werewolf eating humans would be Jean Grenier of Aquitaire. He supposedly lured innocent people into the woods and would immediately attack them and kill them. When he was finally captured, he confessed to eating fifteen children. Werewolves are said to hunt humans as well as other animals that lurk in the woods. According to “The Book of Weird” by Barbara Ninde Byfield, werewolves prefer eating children but will eat any human, but do not drink the blood. Some people believe in these facts but others dispute them and that will be discussed in the next blog.
VideoJug: Do werewolves eat people?
video from:
Byfield, Barbara Ninde. (2008). “The Book of Weird.” Retrieved April 3, 2008 from
Time, Chris. (2008). “A Few Werewolf Cases.” Retrieved April 3, 2008 from
Chelsea Kelley
VideoJug: Do werewolves eat people?
video from:
Byfield, Barbara Ninde. (2008). “The Book of Weird.” Retrieved April 3, 2008 from
Time, Chris. (2008). “A Few Werewolf Cases.” Retrieved April 3, 2008 from
Chelsea Kelley
Monday, March 31, 2008
What do these creatures look like?
Werewolves aren't the most appealing looking creatures around. In fact, that's probably another reason why people are so afraid of them (for their killing and outrageous behaviors also). Werewolves are known to have bushy eyebrows in the form of a unibrow, long, sharp fingernails, a longer third finger on each hand, hair all over their body, and a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Many werewolves depicted on TV look similar to what's described. Werewolves are also supposed to have relation with a full moon-- whenever there is a full moon is when the wolves come out to attack.
"Identifying a Werewolf ". Retrieved March 31, 2008, from

Gina Cale
"Identifying a Werewolf ". Retrieved March 31, 2008, from
Gina Cale
Friday, March 28, 2008
Werewolf in Wisconsin
There have been sightings of werewolves in Wisconsin. In 1936, a man who was driving on a highway saw "a figures digging into an old Indian mound" (Taylor, 2002, par. 7). The figure was hairy and very tall. The man returned the next night t the same spot and heard the creature speak. Afterwards, the religious man prayed and then the creature disappeared. The creature was thought to be a werewolf because of its physical features.
Taylor, Troy. (2002). "Werewolves in Wisconsin?". Retrieved March 28, 2008.
Elizabeth Hess
Werewolf Attacks

Many people have heard of werewolves and seen different versions of attacks on movies and television shows. Werewolves are said to be almost superhuman when it comes to their senses making it perfect for attacking people at night. They have great night vision and an enhanced sense of smell so that stalking in the darkness even in a wooded area is no problem for them. This makes it very hard for victims to hide from them. According to legend, although werewolves have these heightened senses, when being attacked, if you use pure silver, you can harm the werewolf and be spared. They also have super-human strength which helps them to overpower their victims.
“Werewolf Attributes.” (2008). Retrieved March 27, 2008 from
Chelsea Kelley
How to kill a werewolf(RB)
According to the legend there only only a handful of ways to kill one. One being a silver bullet. Apparently, they have this weakness just like vampires. The second way is to behead the werewolf. And finally the third is removal of the heart of brain(Monstrous). The first seems astoundingly hard to do the second and third methods but the first doesn't seem so bad. I don't think it's all that easy to behead a werewolf chasing you.
How to kill a werewolf." Monstrous. 28 Mar 2008.
How to kill a werewolf." Monstrous. 28 Mar 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Where did Werewolves originate?
During the 15th and 17th centuries, Werewolves came about in wooded towns of Europe. The townspeople fear of wolves coming out was more than imagined. Bones and body parts would be found in the mornings of families’ fields. No one knew what it exactly was: “The first recorded Werewolf sighting took place around the countryside of German town Cologne and Bedburg 1591”(Sk. Nur-Ul-Alam). When the town’s people tried to kill the Werewolf it did nothing. The Werewolf turned out to be a man who lived in the village. He was tried for murder and put on a torture wheel. The people of the town said the killers shadow resembled that of a wolf, so anyone who had a shadow like his were dubbed Werewolves.
Sk. Nur-Ul-Alam (2006). “Origin of the Werewolve Legend.” Werewolves: the myths and the truths. 1-5 Retrieved March 24, 2008, from
Gina Cale
Sk. Nur-Ul-Alam (2006). “Origin of the Werewolve Legend.” Werewolves: the myths and the truths. 1-5 Retrieved March 24, 2008, from
Gina Cale
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