Friday, April 4, 2008

What Do Werewolves Eat?

Many people believe that werewolves eat humans. One example of a supposed werewolf eating humans would be Jean Grenier of Aquitaire. He supposedly lured innocent people into the woods and would immediately attack them and kill them. When he was finally captured, he confessed to eating fifteen children. Werewolves are said to hunt humans as well as other animals that lurk in the woods. According to “The Book of Weird” by Barbara Ninde Byfield, werewolves prefer eating children but will eat any human, but do not drink the blood. Some people believe in these facts but others dispute them and that will be discussed in the next blog.

VideoJug: Do werewolves eat people?
video from:

Byfield, Barbara Ninde. (2008). “The Book of Weird.” Retrieved April 3, 2008 from

Time, Chris. (2008). “A Few Werewolf Cases.” Retrieved April 3, 2008 from

Chelsea Kelley

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